As you can see, vision drives the whole system. If you have a weak vision, you have a weak system… It’s as simple as that.
Now, I hope you can see that creating your vision goes way beyond providing clarity and motivation. There are very logical and practical reasons for developing your vision the right way.
When done correctly, vision work is about much more than the warm fuzzies and motivation that traditional vision work emphasizes.
Vision work is actually a very strategic component to the system.
If you don’t take the proper steps to create your vision (aka - the foundation of your entire system) and set it up correctly, then there’s a good chance your system will always underperform.
You’ll never experience the life altering transformation the system is capable of delivering.
As they say, “Garbage in. Garbage out.”
On the other hand, if you heed our warning (read: do not underestimate the importance of this step), if you invest a little time to develop your vision correctly, you will see how stable, reliable, consistent, and dependable your system becomes for you.
You’ll see that instead of resisting the system, it will be much easier to engage with the system, to maintain the system, and to stay on the system.
In short, you will fall in love with The 12 Week Year all over again.
When you finally decide to commit to your vision work, the light bulbs will go off.
You will understand the system on a whole new level.
Because, vision work drives the whole system.
This is what our rockstar clients understand better than anyone. This is where they always start. And this is always the step they make sure they get right.
Now, it’s really just a question of your willingness to live a few hours of your life like others won’t, so you can live the rest of your life like others can’t.
After years of working with clients, we know that vision work is the game changer!
That's why we're excited to announce...